Please Pass the Recipe

sharing recipes from one generation to the next

Simple and delicious, Green Bean Curry

Continuing on from my earlier posts about simple vegetable curries, this Bean Curry with Ginger and Coriander is a ripper, quick to prepare and quick to cook and good for you!

500g green beans, chpped into 1cm lengths
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
2.5cm piece ginger, jut into fine julienne
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon dried chilli
1 tablespoon lemon juice
150ml water
Salt to taste
1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander

In a wok, heat the oil then add the mustard seeds. As soon as they begin to pop add the ginger and toss until it begins to colour. Add the beans, then the cumin, turmeric, chilli and salt. Add the lemon juice and water , cover, lower the heat and simmer 5-6 minutes. Remove the lid, stir then increase heat and boil away excess liquid. remove from the heat and add the coriander. Toss and serve as part of a curry meal. Will serve 4-6 as an accompaniment or as part of a meal with other dishes.

About ladyredspecs

I live in sunny Brisbane, Australia. My love of good food drives me as a cook, a reader, a traveller, an artist and but mostly as an eater. I cooked professionally for many years but have no formal training. Simply guided by a love of eating good food, respect for ingredients and an abhorrence of artificial additives, I cook instinctively applying the technical know how acquired by experience. I hope you enjoy what I share Sandra AKA ladyredspecs

3 comments on “Simple and delicious, Green Bean Curry

  1. Pingback: Lamb Korma, Longhand | Please Pass the Recipe

  2. Pingback: Spicy Eggplants « Please Pass the Recipe

  3. Pingback: Califlower and Potato Curry – Aloo Gobi « Please Pass the Recipe

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