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sharing recipes from one generation to the next

Greek Egg and Lemon Soup

Greek Egg & Lemon SoupWinter is clinging to life tenaciously in Melbourne. I don’t expect to be preparing soup in October! With a fresh batch of chicken stock in the freezer it was the first ingredient that sprang to mind when the mercury plummeted yet again. A week of intensive, hands on, school holiday grandparenting had left the larder stripped bare and my energy sapped but with a few simple stock items I was able to prepare this delicious soup to help restore our stamina.

6 cups skimmed and strained chicken stock

1/2 cup white long grained rice

2 eggs

Juice of 1 lemon

150g chicken trimmings or breast meat, finely chopped

Bring the stock to the boil and season well with salt and pepper. Add the rice, stir once, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the chicken meat to the stock and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat. In a bowl, whisk the eggs with the lemon juice then slowly whisk in a couple of ladles full of hot stock. Do this slowly to avoid cooking the egg, then slowly pour the egg mixture into the hot stock, stirring constantly. Return the pot to the stove and gently reheat, stirring constantly. Do not allow the soup to boil. Serve immediately.

About ladyredspecs

I live in sunny Brisbane, Australia. My love of good food drives me as a cook, a reader, a traveller, an artist and but mostly as an eater. I cooked professionally for many years but have no formal training. Simply guided by a love of eating good food, respect for ingredients and an abhorrence of artificial additives, I cook instinctively applying the technical know how acquired by experience. I hope you enjoy what I share Sandra AKA ladyredspecs

3 comments on “Greek Egg and Lemon Soup

  1. littledogslaughed
    August 7, 2014

    This sounds delicious! What a perfect dish for the cooler weather-


  2. tinywhitecottage
    November 26, 2013

    Oh wow! This sounds heavenly. I have heard of this Greek soup before but never had it. I think I remember a version similar using Lamb. I love Greek food!


    • ladyredspecs
      November 26, 2013

      I love Greek food too! This soup is quite surprising in it’s richness and freshness. Once you tasted it it will become a favourite


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This entry was posted on October 1, 2012 by in Chicken dishes, FODMAP diet, Food, Gluten Free, Light Savoury Dishes, Soup and tagged , , , , .