Please Pass the Recipe

sharing recipes from one generation to the next


asian carrot soup servedI planned to make carrot soup yesterday, plain and simple carrot soup. However, after I threw in some ginger, garlic and orange zest, my thought turned to the flavours of Chinese master stock, so into the pot went star anise and cassia, as well as some rice for “creaminess.” I tasted the resulting puree, my palate led the last act. In went tamari and fish sauce for salt, lime juice for freshness, coconut milk to make the mouth feel unctuous and chilli for warmth. Fresh tofu sitting in the fridge needed a good home, in it went,  the garlic chives in my balcony herb garden need a trim, in they went in too. The result was delicious! I’m glad I had listed the ingredients I used, so not only can I share the recipe, I’ll be able to make it again. Carrot soup with an Asian twist is no one hit wonder.


6 large carrots, peeled and roughly chopped

3cm piece of ginger

2 large cloves garlic

2 tablespoons rice

zest of 1 orange

3 whole star anise

3 cm cassia bark

2 lires of vegtable stock

1 tablespoon tamari

1 tablespoon Thai fish sauce

Juice of ½ lime

1/2 tsp dried chilli

1/3 cup coconut milk

125 g firm tofu, cut into 1 cm cubes

2 tablespoons chopped garlic chives or spring onions

coconut cream to garnish

In a large pot, bring the carrots, ginger, garlic, rice, orange zest, star anise, cassia bark and stock to the boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 30 mins. Remove the star anise and cassia bark then puree the soup with a stick blender. Stir in the chilli, lime juice, tamari, fish sauce and coconut milk and gently reheat. Stir in the tofu, then remove from the heat and stir in the chives. garnish with a dollop of coconut cream. Makes approx 3 litres of soup.


About ladyredspecs

I live in sunny Brisbane, Australia. My love of good food drives me as a cook, a reader, a traveller, an artist and but mostly as an eater. I cooked professionally for many years but have no formal training. Simply guided by a love of eating good food, respect for ingredients and an abhorrence of artificial additives, I cook instinctively applying the technical know how acquired by experience. I hope you enjoy what I share Sandra AKA ladyredspecs

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This entry was posted on June 18, 2012 by in FODMAP diet, Food, Gluten Free, Light Savoury Dishes, Soup, Vegan, Vegetarian and tagged , , , , .