Please Pass the Recipe

sharing recipes from one generation to the next

Fig & Nut Cake

Fig & Nut Cake

This recipe brings back memories of the time in my childhood when Mum used to own her own catering company and delicatessen. I’m honestly not sure if the memory is accurate or not (mum?) but the solid tastiness of the nuts, and the density of the fruit coupled with little bits of chocolate used to bring a delight to my taste buds. I remember eating this seeking the chocolate goodness, but now with more grown tastes, I can also say I love the crunch of the seeds in the figs just as much. In making this I realised that you could easily make this cake almost dairy free. Using 80% cocoa chocolate pieces there is nothing else in this treat to offend the lactose or dairy allergic. Sweet! The verdict: well I couldn’t wait to sample it when it came out of the oven, and it was good as my memories were telling me! The bonus of this cake is that it stores well and will keep (if you can resist) a lot longer than the average cake. Another super simple and tasty treat that is quick and easy to make. Fig & Nut Cake

  • 3 eggs
  • ½ cup castor sugar
  • 1 ¼ cups SR flour
  • 500g mix of whole hazelnuts and almonds, quartered dried figs and candied mixed peel
  • 90g dark choc bits

Pre’-heat the oven to 180c. Grease and line with baking paper a large loaf tin. Beat the eggs and sugar until thick and creamy, fold in the flour then lightly mix in the fruit, nuts and chocolate. Note, the consistency of the batter will be very dense, but don’t be concerned, its how you end up with that yummy dense fig and nut loaf. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake in the centre of the oven until the centre of the cake feels firm (about an hour).

the loaf about to go into the oven

Cool, then cut into thick slices and serve with coffee. This seems to get better over a couple of days, if you can resist.

About Leah

Australian Artist, painting with Gouache and Oil Pastel on Paper. Lover of lines, curves, colour and texture. Born and bred in Melbourne, Australia, I've spent most of my adult life travelling, time living in Sweden and Adelaide and have settled in Brisbane with my little family. I'm creative by nature and find inspiration in many different corners of this world, some just under my nose, others a life time away. I blog because I love to share what I discover, and to inspire myself. You'll find my blogging about my paintings and artwork on: and about my cooking adventures on

2 comments on “Fig & Nut Cake

  1. Bette Phillips Campbell
    May 24, 2012

    Thank you Sandra for this lovely cafe


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